Volcano Eruption in Cape Verde forcing Evacuations.

Evacuation in Cape Verde
Pico do Fogo volcano on the Cape Verdean island of Fogo

The Pico do Fogo volcano on the Cape Verdean island of Fogo erupted Sunday morning, prompting the evacuation of at least one nearby village.

The explosions started around 10 a.m. local time, a geophysicist who studies the volcano told a Cape Verdean English news website. Seismic activity at the site had been unusual for days, he added.

The Fogo village of Chã das Caldeiras, home to about 700 people, was ordered to evacuate. It is not clear if authorities will issue similar instructions to other communities, though the country’s Minister of Home Affairs told residents that “everything was under control.”

“It is with tranquility and awareness of the eruption that we will handle it all,” Minister Marisa Morais said.

It’s the island’s first eruption since 1995. No one was killed in that explosion, though there were some injuries.




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